Go From “Play Video” To “Add to Cart” In Seconds — The Magic Of Shoppable Videos4 min read
Reading Time: 4 minutesIf you’re reading this right now, you definitely have at least one tab that’s open to an e-commerce site. If not it’s safe to say you have multiple tabs with multiple carts filled with items that you haven’t checked out yet. You know it’s true. Reports say that 43% of online shoppers have made a purchase while in bed. Online shopping has made life uber-convenient as an increasing number of people are choosing it over brick and mortar stores.

In the past few years alone, the number of different ways people can shop online has proliferated by a huge number. Now, you have the option of searching for products in multiple e-commerce sites and even comparing their prices. This exponential development has not stopped there, but is constantly under innovation to solve even the smallest inconveniences encountered while shopping online. Like those times when you see an amazing ad campaign and you want the exact ankle-length brown boots that the model is wearing? But to do that you have to first watch that video, then go back to the brand’s catalogue and search through their entire inventory for it. Even with search filters, this is too time-consuming for quick-fix millennials. Even if we do have the patience to look for the product, there is a possibility that we might get confused with a different model of the boots we’re looking for, so there’s a lot of guesswork involved.

Shoppable videos are the newest video content marketing idea on the block that is here to stay. These interactive videos are the way you can get those ad campaigns into which you invest a lot of money and resources to convert- VueStudio lets you do just that.
Once you have your video all ready to go, you just upload it into VueStudio, whose intelligent AI scans the video for the specific products in the frames automatically. You can tag these items to products in your catalog and voila! Your very own shoppable video.
This will impact your sales positively, without a doubt. When your target audience watches your video, they aren’t just becoming aware of your brand, they are closer to becoming customers who are just a click away from making their purchase with you.
Also, there’s no need to worry if enough people will convert. With 67% of Millennials and 56% of Gen Xers preferring to shop on online rather than in-store, the odds are definitely in your favor. This kind of innovative visual merchandising can bring the store and runway to your customers virtually through their screens. And this time they don’t need to watch the ad and then decide. They can decide while watching the ad. That’s why this technology is amazing—giving customers the ease of adding things to their shopping cart right from the ad they’re watching. Millennials and Gen Xers spend 6 hours a week shopping online and so do their parents. Baby Boomers spend 4 hours a week shopping online and so does your grandpa—Seniors spend 2.5 hours per week shopping online.
All this traffic queuing up for products online want a quicker, more convenient way to shop and shoppable videos are the future of convenient online shopping. When 30% of online shoppers want more videos from e-commerce sites, there’s no better way to drive sales than by making those videos shoppable. Your customer already knows from the ad, how the product looks in real-time so being able to shop from the video itself will ensure their product satisfaction is way higher.
Another thing that’s helping people shift to an entirely online shopping experience, is the advent of e-banking and mobile banking. 52% of smartphone owners use online banking, indicative of a rising trend that favours mobile shopping. The adoption of methods like net banking and e-wallets, paying has become lightning fast. With their banks in the palm of their hands, it’s only reasonable that customers will expect the shopping to be just as close to their fingertips.
By 2020, the number of digital buyers is expected to go up by a whopping 105%. Get ready to meet this crowd by taking your video marketing to the next level with shoppable videos.